Thursday 10 March 2016

Final Destination of Budu and Akok

Hi and Assalamualaikum. Guess what is the meaning of the post title "Final Destination of Budu and Akok?". I believe that every story has their own ending. So, this is my last post for my topic which is Kelantan Cuisine.

Pasar Siti Khadijah, one of the main attraction in Kelantan

 I really hope that with all of the information and my post will help you all. By reading this post, I hope that you guys will get interest towards Kelantan Cuisine Food. Whoever comes to Kelantan must try and taste our cuisine food because I swear once you taste it, you wouldn't regret it.

Types of rice in Kelantan

Kelantanese called it as Kuih Cek Mek

This food called as Tepung Pelita

 Besides, Budu and akok are the symbolized of Kelantan republic. Some of the people who came to Kelantan had fallen in love with our cuisine food such as Budu, akok and many more. 

Main Gateway of Kelantan or called as Rehal Tower

Clock Tower in Kota Bharu Town 

Last but not least, come and visit Kelantan as it has many interesting places to be visited and others attraction. Thank you and see you guys next time!

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Akok Flower

Assalamualaikum, In this post I will talk about another type of akok, which is akok bunga. Would you like to know the recipe akok bunga? And how come it is name akok bunga? It is because of their shape itself. This akok bunga has another name called as "Kuih Piana". Let's continue with the recipe, all you need is 5 eggs of grades A and 1 cup of coconut milk.

5 eggs 

1 cup of coconut milk

After that, the third thing you need is 1 cup of water and a cup of brown sugar.

1 cup of water 

1 cup of brown sugar

Next, one pandan leaf and 1 teaspoon of salt. 

A pandan leaf 

1 teaspoon of salt

That's all the recipes of akok bunga. Lastly, wish you guys a good luck in trying this recipe to make it delicious. 

Akok Bunga


Akok Corn.

Hi, In this post I will share about the recipe of akok jagung. Akok jagung is one of the types of akok as I have mentioned in the older post. For your information, the first thing that you need is a 400ml of coconut milk and 200ml of water. 

Coconut milk


After that, 10 eggs of grades B and 200gram brown sugar. 


Brown sugar

Usually in making food, the important thing you need is wheat flour. In this akok jagung recipe, you only need 100gram of wheat flour and also 130gram of cream corn. 

Wheat flour

Then, you have to put a teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of vanilla extract. Next, put some of the yellow food colour

1 Teaspoon of salt

1 Teaspoon of vanilla extract

Yellow food colour 

That's all recipe of akok jagung. In the next post, I will let you guys know another recipe of akok. 

Akok Jagung


Tuesday 8 March 2016

There's many types of Akok?!

Assalamualaikum, In this post I will share the types of akok that you can find in Kelantan. First and foremost, Akok Kedut. The word "Kedut" came from the shape of akok itself. As examples; 

Akok Kedut

After that, another type of akok is akok jagung in kelantan which is there's some corn inside of akok. However, the taste of akok jagung is quite delicious and sweet. 

Akok Jagung

Besides, there is another akok known as akok bunga or akok kemboja. This akok named akok kemboja because the shape itself and akok bunga taste like sweet and creamy.

Akok Bunga 

I think that's all the types of akok that I would like to share with you all. 

references :

When and where?

Assalamualaikum everyone, In this post I will talk about when we can get akok? Usually akok produce for daily sale. It is because akok easily spoil, there's one way to prevent akok from spoiling which is we must keep in cold and dry place. Besides, akok can be found  during fasting month, especially at night market or along the street side. 

Akok at night market

After that, akok has been produced in an oval shape and green in colour. As akok easily spoil, it has been produces only for commercial sale. In addition, most of the kelantanese republic only produce akok for itself as a daily food or retail sales based on orders from customers. 

Akok at Jalan Merbau 

Lastly, for your information, you can also found the best akok at Jalan Pasir Mas Salor, Jalan Merbau, Kota Bharu and also at Yati Ayam Percik Restaurant.


Monday 7 March 2016

Scrumptious akok ever

Assalamualaikum, In this post I will let you guys know about how to make Akok in an easy and fast way. Okay, lets get started, first of all boil 100ml of water with brown sugar. After that, wait until water boiling and the brown sugar dissolve. 

In the making of akok

Next, beat all the five eggs into a blender and put the coconut milk together with wheat flour, pandan's leaves and two pinch of salt. In addition, put the dissolve brown sugar in the blender, then blend it until just blended.

 Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and preheat the mold that has been mixed with oil. Then, take out the mold from oven and fill the mixture. So, baked it about 10 minutes and this akok become blow up. After that, the akok will become smaller in size after baked. Finally, the akok is ready to be eaten. 

yummy akok

                : kelantan.html

Saturday 5 March 2016

The Hidden Secret of Akok

Assalamualaikum and hi. In this post I will talk about the ingredient of making Akok. First of all, the important thing you need is: 

1. 5 eggs.

2. 500ml of coconut milk

3. 100ml of water 

4. 150gram of brown sugar 

5. 30gram of wheat flour 

6. 3 pandan leaves.

and the last ingredient of Akok is 

7. Two pinch of salt.

Lastly, make sure all the ingredients are included in order to make a perfect and best Akok. In addition, it must be baked using moulds and on wooden stove, fuelled with a combination of coconut husks and coal.

References :